As a part of the CMS muon system upgrade, the installation of the GE1/1 detectors has been completed in 2020. Because the GE 1/1 system is located in the forward region of the CMS endcap, we expect high background rates due to the heavy radiation environment. There are some additional components of the electronics-induced noise which can affect the background rate measurement. So, they must be...
The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix describes the flavor-changing interactions of quarks. The matrix element |Vts| describes the coupling between the top and strange quark, but the decay of t→sW is not directly seen yet. A direct measurement of |Vts| can be performed by identifying the strange jets from top decays. However, the extremely low ratio of t→sW compared to the dominant t→bW,...
Considering the self-interaction of bosonic scalar Ultra-Light Dark Matter (ULDM) relaxes the constraints on its particle mass, typically estimated to be around ~1e−22 eV. We calculate the dynamical friction (DF) coefficient for a steady-state circular orbit induced by the gravitational wake of ULDM using multipole expansion. In the strong self-coupling regime, the leading-order term for the...
We present the results of Geant4 simulations for the Portable DAMSA experiment. DAMSA is a novel experimental approach aimed at detecting dark-sector particles, such as axion-like particles (ALPs) and dark photons. DAMSA utilizes high-flux proton beams from PIP-II proton accelerator at fermilab, with the detector strategically positioned immediately downstream of the proton beam dump. However,...
The first station of GEM detectors, GE1/1, has been installed for run 3. The GEM DPG group has been studying the performance of the detectors, and we present several results including HV scan efficiency study, bending angles, flower events, and VFAT stability.
The ME0 detector, based on Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology, is a forthcoming component of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, designed to extend muon detection into the very-forward pseudorapidity region of 2.0 < |η| < 2.8. This region faces significant challenges due to high pileup rates, which complicate accurate muon reconstruction. This study...
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most energetic explosions in the universe, and their afterglow emission provides an opportunity to probe the physics of relativistic shock waves in an extreme environment. Several key pieces for completing the picture of the GRB afterglow physics are still missing, including jet properties, emission mechanism, and particle acceleration. Here we present a study...
This study aims to develop and investigate the characteristics of a liquid scintillator solution using perovskite quantum dot structures. To date, there have been no specific examples of utilizing perovskite structures for particle detectors in high-energy or nuclear physics, making this research an exploration of a novel next-generation liquid scintillator solution. Currently, the synthesis...
Charged current weak interactions between quarks are governed by the CKM matrix. The matrix element Vts represents the coupling strength between top and strange quarks. The square of this element corresponds to the branching ratio of a top quark decaying into a strange quark and a W boson. This value can be inferred indirectly through measurements from B meson oscillations or obtained via a...
Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) is a next-generation water Cherenkov detector. The effective volume of the detector will be approximately five times that of Super-Kamiokande. The physics goals of HK include measurements of the leptonic CP phase, searches for proton decay, and observations of atmospheric neutrinos as well as neutrinos from solar and supernova explosions. The experiment is set to begin...